NFPA (National Fire Protection Associaton) is the American Fire Protection Agency of which our company is also a member. This organization sets the standards influencing the fire and safety issues which are compulsory to implement in the US, broadcasts them and starts practitioners. Compared with other standards bodies of other countries, including our country, these standards are the most referred source, relied and implemented standards. MAS YP Series Pumps are manufactured in accordance with the relevant NFPA standards for two important reasons:

  • NFPA is the most widely used standard in the world and has the most severe conditions especially in the pump system.
  • In our country, almost all technological fire extinguishing systems with water such as especially automatic sprinklers, indoor cabinets, and outdoor fire hydrant systems are designed in accordance with NFPA standards. As a general rule, in terms of integrity, according to what standards a system is designed, the performance characteristics of the products should be appropriate to the same standard of used system. If not, incompatibility between the product and the design is inevitable. Since MAS YP Series pumps are appropriate to NFPA, they can be used with water fire extinguishing systems in full compatibility (automatic sprinklers, indoor fire cabinet, outdoor hydrant, dominant spray and foam systems) which are designed in accordance with NFPA standard.


What is NFPA 20?

NFPA 20 (Standard for the Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps) is the standard of NFPA on fire pumps. The standard determines the features of the side members to be used, the performances and the installation rules of fire pumps and pump groups, and engine control systems.